Viennese dialect translator



The following translator is divided in several sections of daily life and should help you to understand the specialities of the Vienesse dialect at minimum particularly.


However, one must understand the Viennese soul, because the typical Viennese is a "Raunzer", which is someone who always sees a reason to complain. A Viennese will say in good weather "who knows how long it stays that way" and in bad weather "slowly now it can become better".


The "beautiful corpse" (the beautiful funeral) is a term probably only occurs in Vienna and is one of the reasons why the "third man" only in Vienna could be filmed.


For all the "Raunzerei" are pronounced the Viennese are friendly, courteous and charming contemporaries that you will love. The world famous "Viennese Schmäh" - that can hardly be translated - still lives in the Viennese coffee houses, as well as at a wine taverns, old fashioned restaurants, or just on the street.


If you are approached in the K & K Court Bakery Demel in the third person, by the way, you have not interrogated! Take these and similar features in our lexicon, would go beyond the possibilities. We recommend in such cases, just enjoy it and let us take you on an enchanting journey into the imperial Vienna.


If you took part on this journey we simply note when you leave, because if you say goodbye in the words of our blessed Emperor Franz Josef

Ob Ihnen diese Einlassung gelungen ist merken wir einfach bei Ihrer Abreise; denn, wenn Sie sich in den Worten unseres seligen Kaiser Franz Josef verabschieden "It was very nice, it made ​​me very happy," we know that you enjoyed your stay and are sure that you will honor us with your visit in the future again.




Küss die Hand Respectful greeting for a Lady
Gschamster Diener Obedient servant
Gnädige Frau Respectful salutation to a Lady
Gnä Frau Madam
Gnädiger Herr Respectful salutation to a Gentleman
Grüß Gott Greeting
Habe d´Ehre Old fashion greeting
Pfiat Gott Goodbye
Baba Goodbye
Beehren Sie uns wieder Thank you for visiting, please come again
Mentscherl Young girl
Lausbub / Spitzbub Affectionate term for a bright child
A fesche Katz Good looking girl or women
Gemma Lets go
Samas Are you ready
gnädig ham Are in a hurry, impatient
Steffl Stephansturm (Church St. Stephan)
Heuriger Tavern in which wine of the actual year is available
Schrammeln Famous Viennese Wine tavern musicians (historic)
Tunnelwurm Subway
Bim Tram
Tram Tram
Pflasterhirsch Horse
Gigerer Horse
Droschke Coach
Fiaker Coach - coachman
Tröpferlbad Bath house, shower
Zinshaus Rental house - flat
Pawlatschn Balcony passage
Basena Wall fountain
Kabinett Small room
Salettl Garden house
Beserlpark Backyard
Mezzanin Half stock
Hochparterre Deep half stock
Souterrain Basement
Häusl Toilet
Indisches WC Toilet opposite of the passage
Gstettn Unkempt ground
Feitl Pocket knife
Reindl Small kitchen pot
Gstaubtes Bright mixed bread
Gelsen Mosquito
Macheloikes Machinations
Zores Troubles
Mezzie Opportunity
Brassetl Jewelry
Flach Poor
Nega Destitute
Wickl Conflict
Watschn Slap on the face
Owatschn Slap on the face
Fladern Thieving
Schnackerl Hiccough
Botschat Clumsy
Koberer Boss
Zampano All-rounder
Haberer Friend
Gschrap Child
Goschata Braggart
Sandler Homeless
Gigerl Man which takes money from women
Zwiederwurzn Ill-humored person
Grantler Ill-humored person
Hochnosad Snooty
Gwandlaus Annoying person
Sudern (Suderant) Annoying petitions, petitioners
Frank Honest
Sierig Greedy
Zund Tip
Mulatschak Excessive party
Presslufthütte Dangerous tavern
Tschecharant Alkoholiker
Trankler Alkoholic
Eingspritzt Slight drunk
Fett Drunk
Blunznfett / blattlwach Heavy drunk
Beischlreißa Strong, cheap cigarette that animates cough
Tschik Normal cigarette
Badewaschl Pool attendant
Taxla Cabdriver
Bumpfinebara Gravedigger
Kibara Policeman
Bäck Baker
Halbkreisingenieur Street sweeper
Brandineser Brant Wine Bar and/or the owner
Fleischhauer Butcher
Pepihacker Horse butcher
Rafnschuster Vehicle tire dealer
Pfrintner Pensioner
Hocknstad Unemployed

In the Coffeehouse

Kleiner Schwarzer A mocha in a small bowl, which is available on request shortly (more concentrated).
Großer Schwarzer A double mocha in a larger shell, which is available on request shortly (more concentrated).
Kleiner Brauner A mocha with cream in a small bowl
Großer Brauner A double mocha in a larger bowl with cream
Melange A mocha somewhat extended, mixed with warm milk and frothed milk in large bowl
Franziskaner Melange with whipped cream instead of frothed milk
Kleine Schale Gold Poured an mocha with steamed milk and frothed milk in a small bowl
Kaffee verkehrt An mocha with lots of milk (milk coffee)
Verlängerter Schwarzer A mocha infused in large bowl with hot water
Verlängerter Brauner A mocha infused in large bowl with hot water and a dash of coffee cream
Einspänner A mocha with attached whipped cream, served in a glass buggy with extra icing sugar
Kapuziner A double mocha with whipped cream
Fiaker Extended mocha with rum and whipped cream
Maria Theresia Double mocha in stemmed glass with a splash of orange liqueur
Kaisermelange Melange with egg yolk and cognac
Espresso Black coffee from the espresso machine (large or small)
Türkischer Finely ground Türk Kahvesi which is carefully stirred with sugar in a copper pot and boiled it several times and served with Turkish Turkish Delight
Kurzer Mocha prepared with a little water
Konsul Mocha with a splash of cream
Kosakenkaffee Little Mocha in the buggy glass with red wine, vodka and liquid sugar
Pharisäer 4 cl rum with crystal sugar stirred at buggy glass, infused with hot mocha and whipped cream
Schwarzwälder Kaffee Little Mocha served with black forest cherry and half whipped cream in glass buggy
Mokka gespritzt Mocha with a shot of rum or brandy
Wiener Eiskaffee Over vanilla ice cream, a double espresso is poured, it comes whipped cream, a coffee bean, served with rolled waffle
Obermayer Double mocha is placed on the cold whipped cream using an inverted coffee spoon
Mazzagran Double mocha, the cooled and served with ice cubes
Überstürzter Neumann Whipped cream is served in an empty coffee cup, plus a double mocha is served, which is thrown in front of guests over the whipped cream
Franz Landtmann Kaffee Double Mocha with one shot of brandy and coffee liqueur, whipped cream over a zimtbestäubte whipped cream
Mozart Kaffee A large black coffee with whipped cream to a bottle of Mozart liqueur is served
Kaffee Sobiesky Strong double mocha is served with honey and a glass of vodka
Glas Wasser In good Viennese coffee shops for coffee is always a glass of fresh Vienna Mountain Spring Water, to round out the enjoyment of coffee served.
Irish Coffee Whiskey and brown sugar, infused with strong coffee and whipped cream
Cappuccino 1/3 espresso, 1/3 milk and 1/3 frothed milk served in a large cup.
Schlagobers Cream
Schlag Cream
In the Restaurant
Bröselfetzen mit Hongkongschotter Wiener Schnitzel with rice
Blunzn Blood Sausage
Birgerl Chicken thighs
Gummigeier Chicken
Eierschwammerl Chanterelles
Fleischlaberl Meatballs
Stelze Pork knuckle
Beuschl Pig lung
Köach Savoy
Fisolen Green Beans
Karfiol Cauliflower
Körberl Basket with bakery products, bread
Gebäck Bakery products, bread
Semmel Bread
Derfs no was siases sein May I offer you a dessert
Pfiff An eighth beer
Seidl 0.3 liters of beer
Krügerl 0.5 liters of beer
Gspritzter White wine with mineral water
Kracherl Lemonade drink
Gschloder Unhealthy drink
Schanigarten Terrace in front of the restaurant or cafe
Maut Tip
Schmattes Tip
At the hot dog stand
Burnwurst (Burnhäutel) seasoned and cooked pork sausage
Eitrige Sausage with cheese
Frankfurter Wieners
Beamtenforelle Sausage
Scherzel Corner of the bread
Kren Horseradish
Siassa Sweet mustard
Scharfa Spicy mustard

Swear words

Gfrast Insidious person
Gfris Face, insidious person
Bazi Good for Nothing
Bücha Rogue
Strizzi Rogue
Taschlziega Pickpocket
Bisgurn sharp-tongued woman
Packlrass Derogatory term for a group, family
Bachener / Warmer Gay
Gspritzter Stupid person
Depata Stupid person
Wappler Unaware person
Balanza vagabond
Nudldrucker Petty person
Gieral Stingy person
Grantscherm Ill-humored person
Peitscherlbua Pimp
Flitscherl Prostitute
Rotzmensch Cheeky girl
Bankert Naughty child, even illegitimate child
Fetzenschädel Fool
Bled wia 10 Pinkel Fetzen Very stupid
Schmähbruder Person who exaggerates
Pampat Sparky
Bracholder Heavy hit
Bock Kick, shoe



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